The Jackalope credo is “One of a Kind, Tough as Nails”. This credo does not just apply to the people who use the items made by The Jackalope, it is infused into each and every product that The Jackalope makes.

Take the waxed canvas market bag as an example. Each market bag starts out in a roll of 12 oz cotton duck canvas that is infused with premium beeswax to add a layer of water resistance and the base for the unique patina that your waxed canvas market tote will take on as you use and abuse it in everyday life. The handles are made from 9-10 oz veg tanned leather that will hold up to heavy loads. The edges are beveled to make them more comfortable on the hand and the shoulders. Each handle is double riveted with leather washers to make sure they stay attached to the bag for the long term. All of the seams are stitched with heavy duty bonded nylon upholstery thread, and the interior weight bearing seams are double stitched to make sure they hold up to the heaviest load. There is an exterior pocket to hold your smaller items, and an interior “D” ring to clip your keys or to secure your sunglasses up and out of the way. These bags are intended to be used hard!

The clean timeless design will look good for as long as the bomb proof construction will last. Each Market Tote is crafted with love in California, and sent out into the wild with the intent of serving its owner for the long run.
We put the same amount of care and thought into all the items we hand craft at The Jackalope, and hope you will be so impressed you will come back for more.